Author Information

zant worldpress

Personal Information

Date of Birth: 25/02/1979


Phone: 01XXX- XXX-XXX

Educational Background

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All Publications by zant worldpress

On Energy, Economics, Environment and Ethics: The Case of Bangladesh

Sustainable economic development is required for any country. Thus, energy policy should be carefully taken since energy can affect both growth and economy. Ethics can also help to coordinate all these. The social value depends crucially on the social objective, which is not necessarily self-evident, e.g., since some individuals tend to value nature intrinsically. The importance of being explicit about value judgments is emphasized, and it is argued that environmental economics should consider non-conventional...

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Does Foreign Aid Reduce Energy and Carbon Intensities in Bangladesh? An Empirical Investigation

Foreign aid has been existing since the formation of national states. The rich developed countries or agencies are always helping the developing countries through different types of foreign aids. It not only effects growth but also helps to improve different socio economic aspects of the recipient country. The aim of this paper is to explore the impact of foreign aid on energy consumption intensity and carbon intensity as no studies have been conducted in this context in Bangladesh. We used time...

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Impact of Microfinance on Informal Employment: The Case of Bangladesh

The rapid growth of urban-rural migration, characterized by environmental, economic or demographic crises, has been a topic of resolute attention in recent times in the context of Bangladesh. The inherent rural-urban wage differential, primarily, has led to a massive influx of rural migrants to the city, in hopes of better employment opportunities over the years. However, the constraints in the absorptive capacity of the rural job sector have led to the formation of a rural informal sector that hosts...

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Renewable Energy Consumption and Foreign Direct Investment: Reports from Bangladesh

Foreign direct Investment (FDI) is a source of investment which allows any business or sector to grow. It works as a catalyst in developing countries for enhancing total output level. Beside this, FDI also promotes energy efficiency and clean energy. To the best of our knowledge no studies have been conducted to explore the relationship between FDI and renewable energy consumption in the context of Bangladesh. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to reveal the relationship between FDI and renewable...

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Impact of Urbanization on Energy Consumption Intensity in Bangladesh: An Empirical Analysis

Emerging countries undergo economic transformation through urbanization in which to continue modern economic activities, there exists high demand for different energy sources such as electricity, oil, coal, natural gas etc. To the best of our knowledge, no studies have been conducted to investigate the impact of urbanization on energy consumption intensity in Bangladesh and thus, the aim of this paper is to empirically analyze the effect of urbanization on energy consumption intensity with the help...

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Disaster Risk and Impact of Urbanization of Megacities in Bangladesh: Evidence from Dhaka and Chittagong

Two major trade cities in Bangladesh, namely Dhaka and Chittagong, have undergone rapid rates of urbanization in the past decade. This is a good sign as many academics, policy makers and economists regard rapid urbanization as an important indicator of the country’s development. One of the causes of urbanization is the shift of labour from rural areas to urban areas. This implies that labour is shifting from the primary sector to the manufacturing sector or service sector, which provides them with...

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