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zant worldpress

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Date of Birth: 25/02/1979


Phone: 01XXX- XXX-XXX

Educational Background

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All Publications by zant worldpress

Glass Ceiling for Professional Women: A Study on Bangladesh

The ‘glass ceiling’ metaphor is used to describe invisible barriers (glass) through which women see elite positions but cannot reach them (ceiling). The scenario poses as if there is not sufficient room for women at the top positions like a board member, authoritarian bodies, and top executive committees. Under such circumstances, whether the glass ceiling exists in Bangladesh, the obstacles the professional women face because of their gender, the kind of support they need, and the factors that...

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Assessing Ghana’s Fishing Industry: A Case Study of Some Selected Fishing Communities in the Greater Accra Region

Africa is a continent endowed with abundant fish resources in marine, inland or freshwaters. In spite of these benefits, the sector is at risk due to a decline in fish stocks in both marine and inland waters, leading the continent to be losing the potential to harvest between US$2 to US$5 billion of economic returns annually. In light of the declining state of the African fisheries sector, this study was conducted to assess Ghana’s fishing industry in view of the declining African fish stocks....

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Jamaican Immigrant Business Owners: Utilizing “the Partner” to Create Venture Success in New York City

Overall, immigrant entrepreneurs have outpaced native-born entrepreneurs five to one in terms of starting and sustaining business ventures. Between the years 2002 to 2008, the three most successful immigrant groups, Latin American, Chinese, and Jamaican, have contributed approximately $348 billion dollars to the U.S. economy. Jamaican Immigrant Business have been extremely successful in launching and sustaining entrepreneurial ventures in New York City. New York City particularly had the largest...

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Quality Education in the Private Universities in Bangladesh: A Study from the Perspectives of SERVQUAL Approach

The trend of pursuing higher education is particularly upward in Bangladesh from the last two decades. Before the establishment of the private universities, the public universities have been the only resort for higher education. Later on, the private universities have become new incorporation in this scenario. Now, both public and private universities are playing significant role in developing human resource (HR) for the nation. But ensuring quality education has so far remained as a great challenge...

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Participation and Goal Clarity Budget to Performance Apparatus with Commitment and Cultural Organization as a Moderating Variable

The relationship between budgetary participation and clarity of budget objectives with performance still has not provided a uniform conclusion. This study aims to examine the effect of participation and clarity of budget targets on the performance of the apparatus and examine the effect of commitment and organizational culture in the interaction relationship between participation and clarity of budget targets on the performance of the apparatus. This research was conducted on the scope of Makassar...

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Sustainable Computing in Oman: A Corporate Social Responsibility Where Cost-Cutting and Environmental Concerns Take a Backseat

This paper primarily focuses on examining the level of awareness about sustainable computing amongst the participants and to further explore, if there are any visible measures taken or the policies implemented for the same in selected academic organisations in Oman. In addition, the knowledge about sustainable computing is monitored, assessed and supported through a single group pre-test and post-test research design to establish the relevance of the intervention study though inferential statistical...

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FDI-Based Business: The Case of Bangladesh

The study examines the characteristics of the current policies for setting up business enterprises based on Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in Bangladesh. Data was collected through a non-random convenience survey among companies engaged in the export import business. The data was analyzed in Microsoft Excel and then rechecked through SPSS. The results identified a number of positive factors of the current FDI policies such as time efficiency and cost reduction, while bureaucratic issues and a lack...

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Mobile Banking Problems in Bangladesh: An Investigation

Mobile banking accounts for huge amount of daily transactions in Bangladesh. Previous researches in this field revealed some problems in this aspect. But more structured and detailed problems have been discussed in this paper. 250 samples has been selected for the study and the samples have been collected in the year of 2014.Problems have been identified at first and then descriptive statistics, correlation & regression analysis have been applied to find out the states of each identified problems. New...

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Exploring the Impact of Service Quality Factors on Customer Satisfaction towards Online Shopping: Evidence from Bangladesh

In the world wide, customers are rapidly adopting online shopping day by day due to busy and complex lifestyle, and it is becoming more and more popular in Bangladesh also. Undoubtedly, as a developing country, Bangladesh has huge potential customers for online business. To promote online shopping, the marketers are eager to identify and realize the key service quality factors influencing the customers’ satisfaction towards e-shopping. In this consideration this paper is aimed at identifying the...

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