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zant worldpress

Personal Information

Date of Birth: 25/02/1979


Phone: 01XXX- XXX-XXX

Educational Background

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All Publications by zant worldpress

A Study on Seasonal Variation of Hydrodynamic Parameters of Padma River

Padma, a major river in Bangladesh is the main distributary of the Ganges flowing generally southeast for 120 kilometres to its confluence with the Meghna river. It has been traditionally considered a dominantly meandering river but recently switching over into a braided river due to its highly susceptible nature of erosion and deposition. To identify proper behavior and seasonal hydrodynamic variation of the Padma river, different hydrodynamic parameters have been included in this study. The reach...

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Dynamic Linkages among the Equity Markets of the U.S and the European Countries: Recent Evidence based on Cointegration and Causality Tests

This paper investigates the dynamic linkages among the equity markets of the US (proxied by S&P 500), Germany(proxied by DAX30 , France (proxied by CAC30), UK (proxied by FTSE100) and other 14 other major Eurozone markets ( proxied by STOXX 600) using daily stock series from March 3, 2010 through April 17, 2018. Data are collected from the Bloomberg Database and the econometric models are estimated applying the most recent version of Econometric software (EViews 11). Jarque-Bera statistic shows...

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A Study of Corporate Governance Practices in Financial Sector

This study aims to examine (1) the strengths and weaknesses of the financial sector in terms of governance practices; and (2) the governance compliance level of the sector in Hong Kong. A rating instrument is designed to test four major governance areas: ‘Board Responsibilities’, ‘Disclosure and Transparency’, ‘Equitable Treatment of Shareholders’, and ‘Role of Stakeholders’. Results show that companies perform best in ‘Role of Stakeholders’ and worst in ‘Disclosure and Transparency’....

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Optimal Corporate Debt Policy under Growth Opportunities: Evidence from Mongolia

This paper investigates empirically the optimal debt structure policy in relation to growth opportunities under Myers’s theoretical framework using hand-collected data sets of non-financial listed firms in Mongolia for the period from 2012 to 2018 controlling for the effects of variables including tangibility, firm size, liquidity and profitability. The empirical results regarding the debt structure of non-financial listed firms in Mongolia are consistent with Myers’s theoretical framework...

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The Impact of Financial Market Development on FDI in Developed and Emerging Countries

Global financial market has developed tremendously in the last two decades and has affected financial flows and the flow of international investments. With subdued global economic activities and generalized slowdown in emerging markets, countries need to manage vulnerabilities in the financial markets and rebuild resilience against potential shocks while lifting growth through the attraction of foreign investments. Sustainable macroeconomic policies must be in place coupled with financial stability...

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Employees’ Expectations from the Managers: The Case of Italy

Despite scholars have given much attention to research on managerial behaviours, the results have not been always consistent till today, heading thus in multiple directions. Previous studies on this area have generally adopted the point of view of managers, thus partially neglecting the perspective of their employees, who are among their most important stakeholders. In the attempt to enrich this strand of literature, in this study we aim at identifying which are the managerial behaviours that bring...

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Participative Management and Job Satisfaction: A Case of Bangladesh

This paper investigates the relationship between participative management and job satisfaction in the private organizations of Bangladesh. Data was collected via structured questionnaire from 290 employees from several firms at different occupational level and analyzed to evaluate the strength of hypothesized relationship, if any, among the constructs, which include Manager’s use of a participative management style, Participative strategic planning process and Supervisory communications as...

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Organisational Value Statements: a Web-based Analysis of the100 Best US Companies to Work for 2017

Despite the widespread recognition of its importance, very little empirical research has been conducted on values statements. Yet, confusion still exists regarding what it is and what are the characteristics of a powerful values statement. The purpose of this study is 1) to examine the most recent robust and practical researches related to values statement 2) to establish the extent to which the ‘100 Best US Companies to Work For 2017’use their website to communicate their values statement and...

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