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zant worldpress

Personal Information

Date of Birth: 25/02/1979


Phone: 01XXX- XXX-XXX

Educational Background

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All Publications by zant worldpress

Explaining Public Support for Climate Change Mitigation Policies – An Analytical Framework

The literature has identified many important drivers of climate change mitigation policy support behaviour (PS), such as perceived policy effectiveness (PE) and perceived adverse impacts of climate change (PI). However, it rarely explains the mechanism by which PE drives PS. Even though the literature warns against the over-use of PI in climate change communication, which is commonly known as the “fear appeal” approach, an explaining theoretical framework is seldom provided. Moreover, the literature...

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Do UNESCO Heritages Attract More Tourists?

It is believed that the inscription of World Heritage by UNESCO increases tourism demand, leading to economic growth. This study examines 1) whether there is a relation between the WHL and the leisure tourism, and 2) whether there is any difference of the relationship depending on the type of heritage. Using panel data of 78 countries, we test the proposition with linear and non-linear econometric models. Overall, both tangible and intangible heritage have significant positive effects on tourism...

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Strategic Positioning, Centrality and the Impact on Company Profitability

This study examines how strategic positioning in industry may predict a firm’s performance. Through simulation, we reveal that certain business positioning strategies correlate with eventual centrality and profit while other strategies correlate with isolation and poor performance. The paper also presents a novel classification method for centrality trajectories in industry, one that may be employed more generally as a predictor of industry change over time. Field of Research: Applied Finance and...

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Dynamic and Future-Oriented Dimensioning of Stock

Meeting the objective of providing a high service level while at the same time keeping inventory levels to a minimum represents a great challenge to companies, particularly those operating in volatile markets. This article proposes a dynamic approach towards a future-oriented method of inventory control. The dynamic flow of safety stock can be determined on the basis of forecast data and the quality thereof together with supplier reliability. This will enable companies to manage their stock in a...

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Evaluating the Knowledge Management Capabilities in Forensic Science Directorate at Bahrain’s Ministry of Interior

Knowledge is considered a prime asset for organizations, especially in the public sector organizations which are considered knowledge intensive organizations. Forensic science directorates (FSD) are part of the public sector whose primary mission is to detect and prevent crimes. Consequently, Knowledge Management (KM) is crucial in a fast paced environment such as forensic science. The absence of effective KM strategy can widen the gap between individual and organizational knowledge. Therefore it...

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Determinants of Students’ Performance in Cost Accounting – Further Evidence from Kuwait

The purpose of this study was to perform an empirical investigation of the influence of select factors on the academic performance of students studying cost accounting. This study attempts to fill some of the gaps in the existing local and regional accounting education literature and to provide comparative evidence for the harmonization of international accounting education. A stepwise regression model using a sample of 156 students who were enrolled in four sections of a Cost Accounting course at...

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An Examination of Determinants Influencing Consumer Adoption of SMS: A Perspective from Youth of Pakistan

The massive explosion of information and communication technologies (ICTs) has accelerated the rapid expansion of mobile phone services which has resulted in extensive use of short message service (SMS) throughout the world. SMS has become a vital part of users’ daily life causing the decrease in voice service revenue since it has facilitated broader form of communications. With limited research in Pakistan pertaining to what are the factors that determine consumers’ intention to use SMS, this...

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Leadership & Internal Control in the SME Sector

This article outlines the details of an empirical study into the perceptions of Small to Medium-sized Enterprise (SME) directors regarding the concept of leadership and the interpretation of the concepts of conceptual models in the light of qualitative analysis. The study is based on a pre-test conducted with five scientists and testing conducted with eighteen SME directors by way of in-depth interviews. This study supports the external validity of the conceptual model applied, based on The Theory...

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