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zant worldpress

Personal Information

Date of Birth: 25/02/1979


Phone: 01XXX- XXX-XXX

Educational Background

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All Publications by zant worldpress

Do Mergers & Acquisitions Enhance Technical Efficiency? An Empirical Assessment

Mergers & Acquisitions are becoming increasingly popular among all entities, particularly financial entities. The theory suggests that such attempts could result in a number of benefits including higher efficiency. But a review of the empirical literature is mostly ambiguous. Furthermore, there are few such studies in the context of Indian financial entities. Accordingly, the present study attempts to examine the technical efficiency of Indian financial sector entities using stochastic distance...

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A Relational Study on Private Commercial Banks in Bangladesh

This research plans to investigate the effect of banks’ overall service quality, product quality, and corporate social performance on bank reputation within the context of private commercial banks of Bangladesh. Here, banks’ overall service quality, product quality and corporate social performance are considered as the independent variables and bank reputation is considered as dependent variable. The survey administered 80 questionnaires given to clients and employees of ten private commercial...

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Psychological Capital, Employee Engagement, and Perceived Performance in a Multinational Organisation

Psychological capital (PsyCap: involving self-efficacy, optimism, hope and resilience) clearly contributes to organisational success, as indicated in western-based studies. But does psychological capital operate in a stable way across cultures? Few or no studies had addressed this issue. We were able to examine, in a multicultural industrial organisation (centred in Europe but with Asian and US regional centres), how psychological capital was related to workplace engagement and self-perceived quality...

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Perceived Importance of Defensive Marketing Strategies Before and After Competitor Entry: Does Nationality Matter?

We study how people perceive the importance of defensive marketing strategies before and after competitive entry into the market. In particular, we examine how business students of different nationalities would react, before and after competitor entry, using several defensive marketing strategies. A number of students enrolled in the business program of a major Canadian University participated in this simulation. Participants were asked to indicate the importance of various defensive marketing strategies...

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The Effect of Perceived Quality and Consumer Loyalty: Product Involvement as the Moderate Variable

In order to enhance consumer shopping rates and consumer satisfaction, network operators should maximize the evaluation of online shoppers by products and overall performance. Previous studies have shown that both perceived quality and product involvement are likely to have an influence on consumer loyalty. This study further explores what relationship will be established among network perceived quality, product involvement and customer loyalty of online shoppers and clarifies how product involvement...

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Red vs. Blue Stocks: Politics and Profitability of Firms

This paper shows the impact of politics on a firm’s profitability. The Republican Party has a color of red, while the Democratic Party is coded blue. In this paper, we show that the equity market’s performance is statistically the same whoever occupies the White House. However, at the firm level we see a quite different picture. Over the years, 4.35 percent of firms could be labeled as blue meaning their stocks perform better when the sitting president comes from the Democratic Party. The red...

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Do Size and Value Premia Vary Across Industry and Market Conditions? Evidence from the Euro Area

This paper investigates whether value and size premia exist in the Euro area’s industry returns and, if so, what factors are driving them. We use a Garch-M (1,1) model on daily return data from the STOXX market indices for five major industries in the euro area. Our findings show that an industry-specific three-factor Fama and French type model does provide a robust explanation of returns over the period, 2001-2012. While, our results further emphasize the widespread influence of the value and...

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Time-series Properties of Earnings: The Case of Georgian Stock Exchange

The Georgian Stock Exchange (GeSE) is one of the smallest and most illiquid capital markets worldwide. Inefficient regulation and high transaction costs feature high in describing the embryonic stage of Georgia’s stock market. This paper, by supplying first-hand empirical evidence on time-series properties of the GeSE firms’ earnings, attempts to consider and explain the limited stock market properties from earnings quality perspective. Statistical tests predicate on the primarily collected...

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Do Developed Markets affect Emerging Markets? Evidence from the Gulf Cooperation Council

In this paper, we employ a Multivariate GARCH model to study volatility spillovers among two developed markets (US and UK) and six emerging markets, namely, Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates. We find strong evidence of local shocks and persistent volatility in all markets under estimation. Interestingly, we did not find evidence of shocks or volatility spillovers from the US and the UK to all GCC stock markets, but there is evidence of shocks and volatility...

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Information Transmissions Among US, China and Hong Kong Stock Markets

The purpose of this paper is to investigate the dynamic relationships among the US, China and Hong Kong stock markets. Information transmission on return and volatility spillovers among these three markets are examined by using daily stock market data for the January 1992 to June 2014 period and by analysing these data through a dynamic conditional correlation multivariate generalised autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity model. The empirical results show that transmission and spillover effects...

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