
38th International Business Research Conference
Date: 21 – 23 November 2016
Venue: Novotel Hotel Sydney Central, Sydney, Australia
Abstract or Full Paper Submission Deadline: 24 October, 2016
Registration Deadline: 11 November, 2016
Email: and Website:
Conference Theme: Research for Change
Theoretical and empirical full papers and/or abstracts plus case studies relating to all broad areas of Accounting, Banking, Finance, Economics, Management and Marketing are invited for the above international conference which is affiliated with several International journals indexed by Australian Business Dean Council (ABDC) , Excellent Research Australia (ERA) of Australian Research Council, Ulrich’s Directory of USA and SCOPUS. This conference is administered by Australian Social Sciences and Business Research Institute.

World Business, Finance and Management Conference
Date: 28 – 29 November 2016
Venue: Grand Millennium Hotel (Formerly Known as Rendezvous Grand Hotel), Auckland, New Zealand
Deadlines: Manuscript Submission: 21 October, 2016 and Registration: 14 November 2016
Website: | Email:
Theoretical and empirical full papers and/or abstracts plus case studies relating to all broad areas of Accounting, Banking, Finance, Economics, Management and Marketing are invited for the above international conference which is affiliated with several International journals indexed by Australian Business Dean Council (ABDC) , Excellent Research Australia (ERA) of Australian Research Council, Ulrich’s Directory of USA and SCOPUS. This conference is administered by Australian Social Sciences and Business Research Institute.

World Business and Social Science Research Conference
Date: 9 – 10 December 2016
Venue: Ambassador Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand
Submission Deadline: 11 November 2016
Registration Deadline: 28November 2016
Theoretical and empirical papers relating to all areas of Accounting, Banking, Finance, Economics, Management, Marketing, Education, Psychology, Sociology, political science, Computer Science, Anthropology, Philosophy and Journalism are invited for the above international conference. All submissions are double-blind peer-reviewed and accepted papers/abstracts will be published electronically and will be linked to Google Scholar. This conference is supported by three international Scopus and Thompson Reuter indexed journals and the journals listed by Australian Research Council. This conference is organized by Australian Social Sciences and Business Research Institute (ASSBRI). Outstanding papers will be published in 2017 issue of any of the three Journals such as International Review of Business Research Papers, Global Review of Accounting and Finance and World Journal of Management. There is no submission fee at all for outstanding papers. These journals are not predatory or open access journals and are published by Zant World Press of Australia. (you can visit

39th International Business Research Conference
DATES: 15 - 16 December 2016
VENUE: Shinjuku Washington Hotel, Tokyo, Japan
Submission: 18 November 2016
Registration: 2nd December 2016
We invite full papers and/or Abstracts relating to all broad areas of: a. Accounting b. Banking c. Economics d. Finance e. Management, and f. Marketing for the above international conference organised by Global Research Institute for Business Academics (Australia), London Academic Research and Publication, UK and American Research and Publication International, New York, USA. All submissions are subject to blind peer review process. Doctoral students and scholars are highly encouraged to submit papers for expert reviews. Five international journals listed by Excellent Research Australia (ERA) of Australian Government are the associate sponsors of this conference.

Annual Eurasian Business Research Conference
Date: 19-20 December 2016
Venue: Bayview Park Hotel, Manila, Philippines Submission Deadline: 18 November 2016
Registration Deadline: 2 December 2016
Website: and Email:
We invite theoretical, empirical papers, working papers and case studies relating to all areas of Accounting, Banking, Finance, Economics, Management, Marketing and contemporary issues relating to all areas of business and Governance for the above international conference. All submissions will be double-blind peer-reviewed and accepted papers/abstracts will be published electronically as conference proceedings with ISBN. Journals ranked by the Australian Business Dean Council and Indexed by Scopus are affiliated with this conference, This conference is assisted by the Global Research Institute for Business Research (