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zant worldpress

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Date of Birth: 25/02/1979


Phone: 01XXX- XXX-XXX

Educational Background

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All Publications by zant worldpress

Measuring Financial Intelligence of Malaysian Gen-Y: A Preliminary Study

The purpose of this preliminary study was twofold: first to measure the reliability and validity of the instrument; second, to develop a financial intelligence (FI) logit ruler aimed at identifying Gen Ys’ classification in terms of their level of FI which, was determined by financial knowledge, financial attitude, level of trust and financial behaviour. To achieve these, Rasch analysis was employed after distributing.30 questionnaires to the working Gen Ys in Klang Valley, Malaysia. The results...

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Bank Profitability Determinants: The Case of Bangladesh

The study seeks to explore bank profitability as an indicator of economic stability in a developing country setting. This study examines the profitability determinants of listed private commercial banks on the Chittagong Stock Exchange (CSE). Data was compiled and analyzed from secondary sources of information. This paper applies Trend Analysis, Standard Deviation, Correlation and Regression as the statistical tools for the analysis.Information was gathered on Deposits, Advances, Total Assets, Equity,...

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Impacts of Promotional Tools on Bank’s Profitability and Brand Image: A Comparative Study between Islamic Banks and Conventional Banks

Banking industry is one of the prime and highly competitive sectors of the economic as well as financial system of Bangladesh. Banks are competing with each other to create and retain their brand image and to ensure sustainable growth by increasing profitability. In Bangladesh commercial banks are using many marketing tools to capture the target market and retain customers for long time. This paper focuses on the marketing promotional tools and strategies used by banks to increase financial profitability...

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An Analysis of Consumers Awareness and Their Purchasing Behavior for Adulterated Rice-Grains in Nepal

Nepalese consumers are becoming the victims of food adulteration these days so we have made an attempt to study the buying behavior of general consumers related to rice grains adulteration by conducting a primary level survey through distributing structured questionnaire among 207 consumers in Kathmandu Valley. The study tested the effect of demographic variables and other input factors such as; price perceptions, knowledge, attitudes, beliefs, and experiences that influence on purchase decision...

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Wine Tourism in Mendoza, Argentina: A Proposal for the Marketing of “Wine Heritage Trails” in the Malbec Landscape

In recent times wine tourism has become important in Mendoza, Argentina. Current wine tourism strategies in Mendoza do not incorporate the landscape heritage dimension. The paper argues that new and heritage focus wine tourism strategies should be implemented in order to enrich the understanding of wine culture and promote the development of wine tourism in the Malbec region. In order to achieve so, the paper explores the heritage in the three wine areas of the province of Mendoza, Argentina, and...

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Work-Life Balance and Employee Job Satisfaction: A Case of UK Call Centre

The perception on factors leading to job satisfaction changes constantly and it is very important for any organisation to have a good idea on which factors are prevailing in the market at the moment. This paper evaluates the relative importance of work-life balance compared to other job quality dimensions such as pay, job autonomy, work intensity and job security in terms of influencing job satisfaction of 75 call centre employees in the UK over the past three years. In order to do so, it gives the...

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Impacts of Social Branding on Tourism Business: The Case of Bangladesh

The purpose of this article is to find out the impacts of social branding on tourism business. The data have been collected through a structured questionnaire from 20 renowned tourism companies randomly from the different areas of Chittagong City, Bangladesh from the month of August to October, 2015. From the correlation analysis, it has been found that there is a positive correlation among all the factors related to promoting business that have been influenced by the social branding. From the paired...

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Economic Integration in Eurasia; Challenges and Opportunities

Concepts and ideas of economic integration in post-Soviet space are not new or uncommon. Numerous attempts were made to create some form of integration process either by involving most of the former Soviet Republics or on regional basis but there was hardly any success. The purpose of the paper is to review the economic integration process and attempts in the region, their success, failures and lessons learned. The paper highlights the problems, challenges and prospects of economic integration in...

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Talent Management Practices Effect on Employee Engagement Applied in the Logistics Sector in Egypt

Talent is scarce, resulting in a tight labor market, hence it has numerous choices, especially in knowledge-based and service-driven organizations. The fundamental purpose of this study was to develop a practical as well as theoretically sound model to illustrate a link between a firm’s Talent Management and Employee Engagement. In addition, the study aims to evaluate nine critical success factors of Talent Management that are known to be attributed to employee engagement; they were developed based...

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Profitability Variations Across Construction Firms in the UAE: Assessing Industry Contributions to National Economic Growth

The study establishes relationships between profitability in the UAE construction industry and determines its contribution to economic growth. It sought answers to the problems of significant influence, independence, and how strongly profitability variations predict economic growth. Profitability rates of fifty construction firms in UAE used in the study, for a period of ten years. Findings reveal significant influence of profitability variations on economic growth. There is high degree of influence...

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