Author Information

zant worldpress

Personal Information

Date of Birth: 25/02/1979


Phone: 01XXX- XXX-XXX

Educational Background

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All Publications by zant worldpress

The Impact of Population Growth on the Economic Growth of Selected South Asian Countries: A Panel Cointegration Analysis

This study is done to assess the relationship between the population growth and economic growth. The analysis is carried out on a sample of five South Asian countries. The study investigates the impacts of population growth and the problems due to this change in population and its influence on economic growth. We take the time series data with the sample size from 1980 to 2015. In this research paper, economic growth is the dependent variable and population, urban population, fertility rate and life...

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Electricity Generation, Output, Trade Openness & Foreign Direct Investment nexus in Bangladesh: An Empirical Analysis

As the world is becoming more of a global village, Bangladesh is also having its fair share of growth through technological advancement, development in energy sector, open economy and thus attracting foreign investors in the process. A close observation may reveal a causal relationship between electricity generation, trade openness, Foreign Direct Investment and output, though no attempt has been made to explore such nexus in Bangladesh. Hence, this study aims to investigate the existence and direction...

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Impact of Bank Specific and Macroeconomic Variables on Performance of Nepalese Commercial Banks

The study examines the impact of bank specific variables and macroeconomic variables on the performance of commercial banks of Nepal over the period of 2011 to 2016. The dependent variable is bank performance which has been specified in terms of ROA while the independent variables are bank specific (default risk, cost per loan assets and capital adequacy ratio), and macroeconomic variables (annual growth of gross domestic product, exchange rate and inflation). To test the impact of importance of...

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Mapping Tax Strategies in the FDI Decision Process

This study proposes a framework for mapping tax strategies in the developmental and sequential FDI decision process. The authors examined the relative importance of the stages of the FDI decision process with and without tax considerations for a sample of 192 UK MNEs. The stages of identifying investment opportunity, and the FDI legal and management structures are found to be important to the decision process when tax effects are considered. The findings suggest that availability of foreign partners...

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Shareholders’ Wealth Maximization, Capital Structure And Management Satisfaction In Nigeria Corporate Organizations: The Goal Mix Dynamisms

The study is an examination of the relationship between the shareholders’ wealth maximization objective of the firm and the management goal of increase remuneration and satisfaction. It is of note that this relationship do lead to agency problem-the age long dichotomy of corporate and personal objectives differences within the firm. The agency dichotomy is a subject of corporate governance. The study uses the agency theory, information asymmetry theory and the capital structure theory to examine...

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An Empirical Relationship between Trade Liberalization and Industrial Growth in Bangladesh

This research paper empirically investigated the cointegration and causal relationship between trade openness and industrial growth in Bangladesh economy using annual data from 1980 to 2016. Trade normally defined as the buying and selling of goods and services and when there is trade, it acts as a growth for many countries in developing industries. As there have been many studies relating to this topic, maximum studies showed that there is a causal relationship between trade and industrial growth....

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Relationship between Aggregate and Disaggregate Energy with Socio-Economic Development of Bangladesh: An Examination

This paper attempts to tap into some unexplored areas of Bangladesh’s development by analyzing the relationship between aggregate and disaggregate sources of energy usage and socio-economic development. We have conducted a series of tests in this paper to analyze the variables from 1985 to 2014. Our results reveal that both aggregate energy and disaggregate energy Granger cause GDP growth. It is also found that electric power consumption per capita and energy use per capita both Granger cause life...

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Oil Price and the Renewable Energy Consumption in Bangladesh: An Empirical Analysis

Oil price is known for its volatility and due to the sudden fluctuation of oil price, developing countries are affected more than the developed countries. To the best of our knowledge, no studies have been conducted to investigate the relationship between oil price and renewable energy consumption in Bangladesh and so the aim of this paper is to analyze how oil price impacts renewable energy consumption with the help of time series data (1980-2015). Johansens conintegration test reveals that our...

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