ISSN: 1836-070X (print) and ISSN: 1838-3726(Online), Publisher: Zant World Press, Australia
The aim of the World Journal of Management (WJM)) is to publish scholarly work that contributes to the body of knowledge. It publishes both theoretical and empirical scholarly papers and case studies relating to broad filed of General Management, Human Resource Management, Operations Management and Dynamics, Strategic Management, Leadership & Change, Business Ethics and all other issues relating to management. Another aim is to create modern literature relating to above fields of research.
Aim and Scope
The World Journal of Management (WJM) is a half-yearly international peer reviewed refereed journal which publishes scholarly work relating to all areas of management and marketing. The goal of this journal is to provide a platform for the academia, management and marketing researchers, and students to promote, share, discuss and publish their original work.
This journal published by the Zant World Press, Australia is included in the ERA 2015 Journal List produced by the Australian Research Council of Australian Government.