The Value of a Bangladeshi Woman’s Time: An Econometric Analysis

The Value of a Bangladeshi Woman’s Time: An Econometric Analysis

Author: zant worldpress

The unpaid labor of women in any country holds substantial
economic value. This research aims to estimate the value of time for
non-working women in Bangladesh, and the wage rates that they
would face in the labourmarket. In this quest, it generates the
probability that a woman works, her shadow wage, and her offered
wage from a set of common parameters. This paper adopts the
approach utilized in Heckman (1974, 1976, and 1979) and applies it
in the context of Bangladesh by utilizing cross sectional data that
was collected as part of the Bangladesh Quarterly Labor Force
Survey 2015. There has been no research on estimating the value of
non-working women’s time in Bangladesh using the econometric
methodology that has been used in this paper. This study aims to fill
in this research gap by conducting a systematic investigation on the
unpaid labor of women in Bangladesh. The results of this study show
that there is a negative and statistically significant relationship
between the number of children and a woman’s probability of
working. A woman’soffered wageis found to have a positive and
statistically significant relationship with her years of schooling. The
findings of this study provide hard evidence of the economic
contribution of women in Bangladesh. The recognition that the
unpaid labor of women has economic value is the stepping stone
towards greater female empowerment.

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