Talent Management Practices Effect on Employee Engagement Applied in the Logistics Sector in Egypt

Talent Management Practices Effect on Employee Engagement Applied in the Logistics Sector in Egypt

World Review of Business Research

Vol. 6. No. 2., September 2016, Pages: 28 – 45

Talent Management Practices Effect on Employee Engagement Applied in the Logistics Sector in Egypt

Mohamed Wahba

Talent is scarce, resulting in a tight labor market, hence it has numerous choices, especially in knowledge-based and service-driven organizations. The fundamental purpose of this study was to develop a practical as well as theoretically sound model to illustrate a link between a firm’s Talent Management and Employee Engagement. In addition, the study aims to evaluate nine critical success factors of Talent Management that are known to be attributed to employee engagement; they were developed based on the pre-existing literature. The study will also develop a conceptual model to measure the direct effects of Talent Management practices on General Employee Engagement in Logistics Companies in Egypt. The study is carried out by administering a questionnaire to 269 out of 500 employees working in multinational logistics companies in Egypt. A self-administered questionnaire consisting of 67 questions was used to collect the necessary data. To test the validity and reliability of the measurement scales, factor analyses were conducted. Results indicate that talent development is most affective on employee engagement. This opened up new questions to be explored by future research that should elaborate on the indicators of an organization’s performance that do or do not have direct effects, such as Indicators of Productivity, Quality Service, Customer Satisfaction, and Company ROI.