World Journal of Management
Vol. 8. No. 1. March 2017, March 2017, Pages: 170 – 188
Comparison of Human Resource Management between the Pharmaceutical and Electrical Industries in Japan
Toshiko Suda
This research compares human resource management
(HRM) in the pharmaceutical and electrical industries in
Japan and finds differences between the two industries. In
the pharmaceutical industry, both Japanese-owned and
foreign-owned firms are moving toward a western type of
HRM. In the electrical industry, foreign-owned firms apply a
western type of HRM, but Japanese-owned firms continue to
use a Japanese type of HRM. The research then analyzed
these differences based on institutional entrepreneurship. In
the pharmaceutical industry, western-owned large
pharmaceutical firms, as the main actors in the global market,
act as institutional entrepreneurs. In the electrical industry,
whereas western-owned firms introduced a western type of
HRM, Japanese-owned firms maintain a Japanese type of
HRM; both western- and Japanese-owned firms are the main
actors in this global market. These different HRM approaches
reflect the competitive power balance in the global market of
the two industries.