ISSN: 1838-1413 (Print) and ISSN: 1838-5915 (Online), Publisher: Zant World Press, Australia
The Global Review of Accounting and Finance (GRAF) is an international peer review journal which focuses on the empirical research relating to wide areas of accounting and finance. It aims at furthering knowledge of accounting and finance through academic research. It provides a forum for the publication of the highest quality manuscripts relating to broad field of accounting and finance. In addition, it encourages the inter-disciplinary research, especially between accounting and finance to create new knowledge and to bridge the theory and practice. In encourages scientific investigation into the contemporary issues relating to accounting and finance all over the world. . It also best papers of the international conferences.
Aim and Scope
The Global Review of Accounting and Finance (GRAF) is an international peer review journal which focuses on the empirical research relating to wide areas of accounting and finance. It aims at furthering knowledge of accounting and finance through academic research. It provides a forum for the publication of the highest quality manuscripts relating to broad field of accounting and finance. In addition, it encourages the inter-disciplinary research, especially between accounting and finance to create new knowledge and to bridge the theory and practice. In encourages scientific investigation into the contemporary issues relating to accounting and finance all over the world. This journal published by the Zant World Press, Australia is included in the ERA 2015 Journal List produced by the Australian Research Council of Australian Government.