Points to Consider Before Submission

Points to Consider Before Submission

Points to Consider Before Submission of Papers

Peer Review Process

An author can submit the paper which shows originality and contributes to the body of knowledge. The paper must not be submitted elsewhere concurrently and must not be published anywhere else in any form other than abstract. Any paper submitted must go through double bling review process to maintain and improve the standard and quality of the paper. Under this review process, the paper is reviewed by alt least two anonymous reviewers who are expert in the relevant area of research and both the author(s) and reviewer (s) remain anonymous so that impartial decision about the acceptability of the paper is obtained. Papers are considered on the basis of quality, timeliness and new contribution. No information about the author(s) is passed on to the reviewer(s) to avoid any biasness and conflict of interest. Papers are pre-screened to check compliance to the standard, contribution to the literature, research rigor and submission of the same paper concurrently to other journal. If any paper fails to pass the pre-screening test, it is rejected outright. Resubmission of rejected paper is not allowed by the journal.

Ethical Issues

Zant World Press endeavors to make sure that no form of unethical practice or behavior has been carried out or demonstrated by the authors, reviewers and the editors.

a. Originality of the paper

Authors are required to state, at the time of submission, that the paper/work is original and contributes to the body of knowledge and does not contain any plagiarized materials in any form

b. Placement of Main Author and Co-author(s)

In case of multiple authors (more than one author), placement or ordering of the name(s) of the author(s must be ethically justified: First author is responsible for research question, problem statement, data collection, analysis, interpretation of data/results and submission to the journal. Coauthors should make contributions in terns of critical analysis of related previous papers to verify that the research question or problem statement is linked to the literature review, proposed model building, interpretation of data , reviewing each draft, providing conclusion and explain implication of the study, assisting the first author for scientific and convincing analysis of the data and results and professional but grammatically corrected presentation of the paper. Just providing the name(s) of the coauthor(s) who have not done any work is not acceptable. The name of the co-authors must follow the order on the basis of the amount of contribution they made. Any dispute relating to the authorship or ordering of authorship (first author and co-author) must be resolved in terms of highlighting the extent of contribution made by each author.

c. Responsibility of the Key/First Author about Plagiarism

Apart from placing the name of the co-author(s) as per amount of contributions in the paper, the first author must state

(a) that there is no fabricated, manipulated, manufactured, unsourced, false and/or made-up data, information or statement in any part of the paper
(b) that none of the data, statement and information, language, ideas, findings, graph, illustrations, diagrams and sentence owned by other author or published in any other papers was claimed as author’s own material.
(c) that the materials used or quoted from other sources are adequately acknowledged, cited, mentioned and/or allowed under permission where required
(d) that the author did not violate or infringe on any rights of other authors and publishers
(e) that the data collected are author’s own or that the author has have permission to use data reproduced in his/her paper
(f) that funding source is properly acknowledged
(g) that they did not provide any material that support or promote violence in the society

In the event that the editor is made aware of any research misconduct or any form of falsification, fabrication, citation manipulation, plagiarism, the paper will not be published. If the complain is made against a published paper, the paper will be immediately deleted from the website.

Conflict of Interest

The key/main author must ensure that the paper/ work is not related to direct or indirect financial benefits, consultancies or personal promotion. The paper must not contain the name of reviewers, editors or associate editors as the author or coauthor of the paper. The Reviewer(s) must maintain the confidentiality and must not pass or divulge any information contained in the work to any body or organisation for personal gain or for providing benefit to the other person or organization. Similarly, the editors or editorial staff member(s) must not pass or divulge any information to any person or institution for personal gain or gain of other person or institution and must not pass any information about the reviewers to the authors.

Copyright and Licensing Issues

The key/corresponding author of the paper is required to sign a written contract with Zant World Press(ZWP) before the paper is published. Under the contract author retains copyright in the work but grants ZWP the sole and exclusive right and license to publish the paper. The author must not have any legal claims of any form on the sale proceeds, if any, from the paper. If any part of the copyrighted work published by the other publisher is used in the paper, the author(s) must obtain written permission from the copyright owners and acknowledge the source. The author(s) cannot use any part of the paper which exceeds 2% of the paper without written permission of the publisher (Zant World Press).


The author should acknowledge funding source(s) of the research or the research funder or contribution of the person (s) and/or organization (s) for their contribution.

Declaration by the Key/Main Author

The main/key author must declare that the work submitted has not been

a. published elsewhere in any form ( print, online etc) or language
b. submitted concurrently elsewhere
c. plagiarized in any form
d. does not contain falsified, fabricated data and information

The author(s) must declare that they will not

a. allow any publisher to publish any part paper of the paper without written permission of the publisher
b. make any changes ( meaning addition and deletion) the name of the authors or ordering of the authors or rearrangement of the text once the paper is accepted