Author’s Guidelines Pack

Points to Consider Before Submission of Papers

Peer Review Process

An author can submit the paper which shows originality and contributes to the body of knowledge. The paper must not be submitted elsewhere concurrently and must not be published anywhere else in any form other than abstract. Any paper submitted  must go through double bling review process to maintain and improve the standard and quality of the paper. Under this review process, the paper is reviewed by alt least two anonymous reviewers who are expert in the relevant area of research and both the author(s) and reviewer (s) remain anonymous so that impartial decision about the acceptability of the paper is obtained. Papers are considered on the basis of quality, timeliness and new contribution. No information about the author(s) is passed on to the reviewer(s) to avoid any biasness and conflict of interest. Papers are pre-screened to check compliance to the standard, contribution to the literature, research rigor and submission of the same paper concurrently to other journal. If any paper fails to pass the pre-screening test, it is rejected outright. Resubmission of rejected paper is not allowed by the journal.

Ethical Issues

Zant World Press endeavors to make sure that no form of unethical practice or behavior has been carried out or demonstrated by the authors, reviewers and the editors.

  1. Originality of the paper

Authors are required to state, at the time of submission, that the paper/work is original and contributes to the body of knowledge and does not contain any plagiarized materials in any form

  1. Placement of Main Author and Co-author(s)

In case of multiple authors (more than one author), placement or ordering of  the name(s) of the author(s must be  ethically justified: First author is responsible for research question, problem statement, data collection, analysis, interpretation of data/results and submission to the journal. Coauthors should make contributions in terms of critical analysis of related previous papers to verify that the research question or problem statement is linked to the literature review, proposed  model building, interpretation of data , reviewing each draft, providing conclusion and explain implication of the study, assisting the first author for scientific and convincing analysis of the data and results and professional but grammatically corrected presentation of the paper. Just providing the name(s) of the coauthor(s) who have not done any work is not acceptable. The name of the co-authors must follow the order on the basis of the amount of contribution they made. Any dispute relating to the authorship or ordering of authorship (first author and co-author) must be resolved in terms of highlighting the extent of contribution made by each author.

  1. Responsibility of the Key/First Author about Plagiarism

Apart from placing the name of the co-author(s) as per amount of contributions in the paper, the first author must state

  • that there is no fabricated, manipulated, manufactured, unsourced, false and/or made-up data, information or statement in any part of the paper
  • that none of the data, statement and information, language, ideas, findings, graph, illustrations, diagrams and sentence owned by other author or published in any other papers was claimed as author’s own material.
  • that the materials used or quoted from other sources are adequately acknowledged, cited, mentioned and/or allowed under permission where required
  • that the author did not  violate or  infringe on any rights of other authors and publishers
  • that the data collected are author’s own or that the author has have permission to use data reproduced in his/her paper
  • that funding source is properly acknowledged
  • that they did not provide any material that support or promote violence in the society

In the event that  the editor is made aware of any  research misconduct or any form of falsification, fabrication, citation manipulation, plagiarism, the paper will not be published. If the complain is made against a published paper, the paper will be immediately deleted from the website.

Conflict of Interest

The key/main author must ensure that the paper/ work is not related to direct or indirect financial benefits, consultancies or personal promotion. The paper must not contain the name of reviewers, editors or associate editors as the author or coauthor of the paper. The Reviewer(s) must maintain the confidentiality and must not pass or divulge any information contained in the work to any body or organisation for personal gain or for providing benefit to the other person or organization. Similarly, the editors  or editorial staff member(s) must not pass  or divulge any information to any person or institution for personal gain or gain of other person or institution and must not pass any information about the reviewers to the authors.

Copyright  and Licensing Issues

The key/corresponding author of the paper is required to sign a written contract with Zant World Press (ZWP)  before the paper is published. Under the contract author retains copyright in the work but grants ZWP  the sole and exclusive right and license to publish  the paper.  The author must not have any  legal claims of any form on the sale proceeds, if any,  from the paper. If any part of the copyrighted work published by the other publisher is used in the paper, the author(s) must obtain written permission from the copyright owners  and acknowledge the source. The author(s) cannot use any part of the paper which exceeds 2% of the paper without written permission of the publisher ( Zant World Press).


The author should  acknowledge funding source(s) of the research or the research funder or contribution of the person (s) and/or organization (s) for their contribution .

Declaration by the Key/Main Author

The main/key author must declare that the work submitted has not been

  1. published elsewhere in any form ( print, online etc) or language
  2. submitted concurrently elsewhere
  3. plagiarized in any form
  4. does not contain falsified, fabricated data and information

The author(s) must declare that they will not

  1. allow any publisher to publish any part paper of the paper without written permission of the publisher
  2. make any changes ( meaning addition and deletion) the name of the authors or ordering of the authors or rearrangement of the text once the paper is accepted

How to prepare a manuscript:

The author is required to comply to all undermentioned requirements in order to make the paper acceptable to the editorial board.

Cover Page

  • Title : It must reflect the content of the paper. It should be concise and brief. It must not be long with any abbreviations
  • Detail information of the author(s) : All authors must show their correct full names (without spelling mistake) , their affiliations, full postal address and email address. The corresponding author must provide contact number and email address.

Structure of the Paper :

  • Abstract : The abstract should briefly state, within 100 words objective, problem statement or research question, core findings and conclusion mentioning the new contribution.
  • Keywords: and JEL Codes : The author is required to provide at least three keywords and applicable JEL codes which are available from

The paper must be organized as per undermentioned structure within 50 pages ( double spaced) which includes all text, figures/tables/ and references

  1. The introduction

This section must contain

  • Problem statement, objective or research question
  • Motivation or reasons behind the study
  • Significance of the study
  • A paragraph stating that findings are different from others with a distinctive contribution to the body of knowledge
  • A statement relating to how the paper is organized
  1. Literature Review

This section should:

  • Cite adequate and relevant past studies (preferably after 2000)
  • Describe how your research question or problem statement was not answered by the past studies
  • State the weakness of the previous studies or research
  1. Methodology :

It should include

  • Data or study period for considerable period
  • Justification for selecting years of study
  • Justification for sample size, the model used or research method applied
  1. Results / Analysis

This section must show

  • Results/findings which are convincing and well explained
  • Interpretation of results which supports or rejects hypotheses
  • How results are new and contributes to the body of knowledge
  1. Conclusion

This section must describe

  • Originality and timeliness of the research
  • how you have created or advanced knowledge
  • the implication of the research
  • limitations of the study


Author must ensure that citation in the main text is properly followed and such citation must be included in the  reference list. Author must follow the Harvard style of referencing ( details are provided in the reference section). . If the reference is provided at the start of the sentence, just year should be mentioned in parenthesis.For 2 authors ‘and” and for more than 2 authors ‘et al’ should provided. If reference is provided within or at end of the sentence, then author name followed by year should be provided in parenthesis . For 2 authors ‘and” and for more than 2 authors ‘et al’ should provided followed by year. See details via:

Other Formatting Requirements:

Language Proficiency

All authors must make sure that the paper is grammatically correct and all references are professionally edited. We use US spelling style and Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary can be used to check the spelling. Authors can engage any organization or person for editing service at their own cost. We will not publish any paper which is 100% free from grammatical mistakes . No submission fee will be refunded under any circumstance.


We do not allow footnotes. Only endnotes are allowed after conclusion and before reference section. They should be numbered within the paper with Arabic numerals. End-notes must be very short . End-note symbols can also be denoted by †, ‡, §


These should be placed after the reference section. We do not allow more than 6 appendices and they should be numbered in Arabic numerals and referred to in the text.


All Tables must have short titles. They must not be broken into 2 pages and be professionally presented. Tables must be placed within the body of the paper and number of tables should be in Arabic numerals. Symbols like can be sued *, **, *** to denote significance level.


Any equations must be denoted sequentially with Arabic numerals and variables must be presented in italics. We recommend simplest mathematical symbols. Mathematical papers may use software such as Scientific Word, TeX or LaTex.


All figures must be mentioned in consecutive order in the text. Figures should be fitted within the full text and we allow only black and white graphs or diagrams. However, various shades of black and white color can be used , if necessary. computer graphics can be used. Figures must be bright with high resolution.They should be numbered in Arabic numerals.

Checklist for Submission

Any manuscript must be accompanied by the Checklist.

Paper Submission Checklist

  • Papers must be written in A4 paper size (21cm x 29.7 cm) and the automatic margins that have been set for this paper size must be strictly adhered to for all text, headings, tables and figures.
  • Title of the paper is no more than 15 words, centred and in 16pt font.
  • Author(s) name(s) appear below paper title in 14pt font and centred
  • Leave two empty lines before and after the name(s) of the author(s)
  • All text in Arial provided
  • Section/sub-titles are in numbered sequentially, in bold and 14pt font
  • Leave one empty line before and after each section/sub-title
  • Line spacing throughout paper is single-spaced (no double spacing please)
  • Abstract is in italics and justified both with 2.5 inch margin on both sides
  • Field of Research is indicated after Abstract. Leave two empty lines after field of research
  • All text is in 12pt font except sub-titles
  • Author(s) affiliation, address and email are provided at the bottom of the first page in 10pt font
  • Figures, tables and charts are included within the body of the paper
  • Figures, text or tables are not coloured or shaded
  • Tables or figures do not break across two pages
  • All text is justified
  • Double space between two paragraphs are provided
  • No table provided in introduction, within conclusion and just after conclusion
  • All tables are provided within the margin and titles of the tables are centred
  • No space left at the beginning of the sentence of the new paragraph
  • Heading of the table or figure is provided on the top of the table or figure
  • End-notes are included if applicable (Please do not use footnotes) before reference section
  • Paper has been checked for grammar and spelling
  • References provided at the end in alphabetical order and 1cm hanging indent. Please delete all brackets before and after year of publication
  • No headers to be included in the paper
  • Page numbers to be included in a footer on the bottom right hand corner of the page in Times New Roman size 12.

How to Submit Your Article ?

Please send your paper directly to Nuha Jahan, Publication Director, Zant World Press, Australia via her email:

Post-Acceptance Activities

Fees and Charges:

There is no fee for submission of the paper. However, author is required to pay Paper Processing fee after the paper is accepted .Such fee is a flat charge which varies from US$ 250 to US$ 400 depending on the length of the paper .This fee generally covers the entire cost of the publication process , printing and distribution process. This includes editing, printing (for print copy), publishing, getting DOI,  indexing, maintaining and archiving, editing and uploading of the paper in the website plus postal and handling cost (for print journal).

Assignment of DOI

The Zant World Press would endeavor to assign a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) to each article after it is approved by CrossRef. This number stays forever. This number is required when a paper is in publication process after acceptance and is required to be cited by other authors.


In order to publish the article without any errors and mistakes , proof reading is a must do act. Author is required to check grammatical errors, correctness of the text, tables, figures and oderly presentation of the materials and text. There must not be new paragraphs or new materials or text in the article once it is accepted by the editor. There is fee-based prfof reading services and on request, the publisher will send the name of the proof readers who are not the staff member of the ZWP. The author is responsible for any charge.


The IRBRP is not an open access journal. However, the readers can have free access to the abstract of the article. Corresponding author will have access to the full text versions of the research papers via the dedicated website.  Only corresponding author will get offprints and a copy of the print journal without any charge. However, co-authors can have additional printed copy  or offprints for extra charge which varies from US$30-50 per copy. After 36 months, any paper will be made open for any reader who can freely down load the paper without any payment.


All articles published by the ZWP will be archived by Zantdatabase. After 36 months, they will be archived by CLOCKSS ( see

How to contact the Publisher

Please contact the publisher ( Zant World Press) for any question relating to publication of your paper

Editorial Office

Nuha Jahan
31 Blake Street, Berwick 3806, Melbourne, Australia
Phone and fax: (03) 9702 2734.

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